- Stopwatch and Timer A stopwatch and a timer in a page
- Base64 Converter Convert any local file to base64 URI
- FLAG Lookup national flag and a glimpse of information about that particular place (equipped with DuckDuckGo Instant Search)
- IPv4 RBLC Test IPv4 on 33 blacklist databases
- Speed Estimator Lightweight weblication to measure (estimate) latency, download, and upload of your ISP
- Latency Tester Checking internet connection latency of your ISP
- WHOIS Checker Checking the WHOIS part of a hostname (domain)
- Page Speed Checker Finding out the performance grade of a certain page via Google's Page Speed craft
- Weather Lookup Lookup current weather condition of a particular location via Open Weather Map database
- Check IPv4 Finding out an IPv4 score based on Project Honey Pot database
- Website Status Checker Finding out whether a website is up or down.
Via Python's httplib + JavaScript form/input control - Element's Dimension Capturing element dimensions from JavaScript
- URL Lengthener URL lengthener, the opposite of shortener.
Via Python's httplib + sweet Python custom modules + JavaScript form/input control - Your IP Capturing your IP address with Python's WebOb Request class + JavaScript animation
- Browser Requests Capturing browser's request via Python's WebOb Request
- UNICODE to ENTITY Converting UNICODE to entity and in reversed orientation
Rather complex
- Path Finding JavaScript (shuffle)
Benchmark related
- JSloop Testing
, anddo-while
Examples at THOR
- 50 States Retrieving and injecting Google Drive (spreadsheet) JSON with jQuery
- HTML5 audio HTML5 audio events
- HTML5 video HTML5 video events
- YouTube iFrame Using JavaScript API from YouTube
- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, and G+1) buttons JavaScript event listeners (for attaching callbacks)
- JS Responsive Iframe Creating a responsive iframe via JavaScript
- JS Responsive IframeS Creating multiple responsive YouTube iframes
- APlaya HTML5 audio JavaScript player example
nofollow pages
- Image Basic responsive image (CSS)
- Sequence Sequencing JavaScript functions
- Sequence FX Just like above but with animated output
- Detect User Agent Only with JavaScript
- Rondam JavaScript click, audio, and thing
- Browser history Detect the existence of stored browser history
- I am HTML A story on HTML
- Dynamic Interval Setting different amount of duration of JavaScript setInterval() method
THOR dot Jp net
If there's no license stated on any page, all front end codes (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) on THOR are licensed under MIT license (MIT).
CSS Framework
This page and some other page(s) use Pure (CSS framework). Pure is licensed under BSD license.
Also equipped with Font Awesome (free). Font Awesome is licensed under MIT, SIL OLF, and CC BY.
Thor is a deity from Norse mythology, son of Odin, or maybe son of a something else. It's something to pronounce Thor, like Thor. Say it out loud, please.
Thor is depicted usually with sledgehammer and a cape. He usually brings a sledgehammer for no reason wearing cape, because he usually does. The cape is fashion trend for royel jelly dressed by mommy. Like really stupid one, the fashion, the mommy is really beyond any. She can float and things. Now you probably wonder, what? Yeah, because a wand isn't his thing. Swamp Thing once said wiggled a wand, right, and then he became Swamp Thing. Before that, he wasn't. Like, a root or something. How come a root wiggled anything? It's a good question.
Thor dot Jp Net is deployed on Google App Engine in Python with Jinja2 templating module.
Anyway, this homepage's HTML
is minified using HTMLMIN Python module. The CSS
is minified using our own technique, and the JavaScript
is (sometimes) minified using JSMIN with tinyweeny modification.
This site is authored and maintained by Monkey Raptor to display some parts we can build using the latest open sourced web technologies.
No cookie for display pages by default.
Except for dilly with "interactive memory". We'll equip notification for that (those).